We organise rehabilitation holidays with the possibility of PFRON funding and outpatient (day) rehabilitation for patients from the local area. In our centres we use the best and most modern rehabilitation equipment in the world! The use of innovative therapy methods, increases the intensity of the therapeutic process and recovery. LOKOMAT®, EKSO® exoskeleton, C-Mill treadmill, tDCS brain micropolarisation … these are just some of our equipment.

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Physical rehabilitation – kinesitherapy

The largest part of our therapeutic package is kinesiotherapy. The therapy programme (number of hours, methods used) is determined individually for each patient. Our team of physiotherapists uses the most effective methods in their work with the patient, such as NDT Bobath, IBITA BOBATH, VOJTA, PNF, MEDEK. We are constantly improving our qualifications through numerous courses and trainings.As part of the individual exercises, we use THERA-SUIT® COMBINES in therapy free of charge, if indicated.Our comfortable and fully-equipped therapy rooms, state-of-the-art and specialised equipment, and our qualified and close-knit team of therapists are a guarantee of effective therapy.

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MEDEK Therapy is a Dynamic Kinetic Stimulation Method. A physiotherapeutic method used with infants and children to develop large motor skills. It is used for patients with neurological disorders. It was developed by the Chilean physiotherapist Ramon Cuevas between 1971 and 1976 in collaboration with the physiotherapist Ester Fink. In MEDEK therapy, the therapist focuses on the exercises necessary to achieve activities such as sitting, standing and walking. The main stimulus for the neuromuscular system is gravity.



Vojta therapy is an internationally recognised rehabilitation method that has been used for many years. It can be applied to infants as well as older children. When started early, Vojta therapy helps to reduce the perpetuation of pathological patterns. In older children, we influence the improvement of functional abilities. The basic premise of Vojta is the existence of a genetically encoded and global locomotor pattern. Exercises are based on triggering the patient’s muscular responses, i.e. the encoded pattern. Also available in Mały Gacno!.


vojta dorosli

Reflex locomotion method according to Vaclav Vojta – created by the Czech neurologist Vaclav Vojta. Originally a concept for the rehabilitation of adolescents with MPD (cerebral palsy), over time it has found favour mainly in the treatment of infants and children. In recent years, it has been increasingly applied to the rehabilitation of adults. The main premise of the method is the existence of innate coordination complexes, the same in every human being. In various conditions – both neurological and other – both congenital and acquired, the components of these complexes, and sometimes entire complexes, can…



Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT), a therapeutic method that aims to improve movement by eliminating abnormal reflexes and normalising muscle tone, facilitating correct postural reflexes and free movements. By assisting through key points on the child’s body – head, shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle – the therapist tries to induce correct movement. The main therapeutic goal is to achieve independence and self-reliance in everyday life.



NDT Bobath Baby is a therapeutic concept applied to premature babies and infants and children with neurological disorders. Due to the non-invasive nature of the therapy, it can be applied from the first days of life. It has the best therapeutic effect in the first months of a child’s life. In NDT Bobath Baby, the therapist focuses not only on exercises, but also places great emphasis on care and correct execution – the way the baby is lifted and carried, fed, changed and positioned during play and rest.

Bobath Method for Adults IBITA


It is a concept designed for people with central nervous system disorders ( stroke, craniocerebral trauma, multiple sclerosis). The aim of the Bobath Concept is to examine and treat patients with CNS disorders, addressing problems and disorders of function, movement and muscle tone. The concept places particular emphasis on normalising muscle tone and building central stability – responsible for correct posture and movement pattern. The improvement process includes both acute and chronic phase management.



PNF, or proprioceptive neuromuscular movement facilitation, is a physiotherapeutic concept for working with and treating patients with neurological disorders. The exercises are designed to increase muscle strength and joint mobility ranges. The method is based on the neurophysiological principles of motor activity. In the method, we use complex movement patterns that occur in everyday activities. PNF therapy improves muscle strength, coordination and balance.



Functional rehabilitation is a system of diagnosis and treatment – rehabilitation aimed at performing activities of daily living and increasing the level of independence and dexterity. The main goal is to achieve functions such as walking, eating independently and performing self-care. Functional rehabilitation aims to restore or impart impaired function. Functional therapy is individualised to the requirements and problems of each patient.


thera suit scaled

The TheraSuit is a soft proprioceptive dynamic orthosis (suit) designed to load the body with forces similar to those of gravity. The components of the suit are connected to each other by elastic bands. The distribution of the stretches is adjusted according to the patient’s problem and condition, so as to support the function of selected muscle groups or introduce postural correction. TheraSuit® is a safe and effective rehabilitation device that has been developed together with an intensive exercise programme to accelerate a child’s progress.



Hand therapy is the improvement of the mechanisms responsible for controlling the movements of the upper limb. Depending on the disorders and problems, the therapist focuses on strengthening the musculature of the upper limbs and improving joint mobility (stretching exercises for excessively contracted tissues). In hand therapy, the aim is also to improve fine motor skills, i.e. manual dexterity and precision. The aim of hand therapy is to improve visual-motor control, hand coordination, grip training and fine motor skills.


saebo flex

SaeboFlex is a dynamic orthosis that brings a new level of quality to rehabilitation after a stroke, stroke or brain injury. It gives patients the independence they were not able to obtain before. The function of the orthosis is to restore the natural position of the hand and to support the movement of the fingers. This allows the patient to functionally use the entire hand during rehabilitation exercises and domestic activities. The orthosis has no electrical components and its individual parts are individually adapted to each patient.


stymulacja bazalna

Basal stimulation is a rehabilitation and therapy concept for children, adolescents and adults with profound intellectual disabilities and those in a state of minimal awareness. The aim of basal stimulation is to provide stimuli from the environment as well as to compensate for the lack of experience of independent movement and participation in the environment. Through basal stimulation, we aim to stimulate the development of the profoundly disabled person through numerous environmental stimuli and multisensory experiences.



Multi-sensory therapy, or sensory integration, involves developing the correct perception and analysis of various stimuli provided by the external environment. The senses involved in the therapy are – sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and deep sensation. It is designed for children with psychomotor disorders, developmental delays, genetic diseases, autism, cerebral palsy. The therapy has a playful character, which makes it very positive for children. During the therapy, the child performs appropriate activities for vestibular, proprioceptive or tactile stimulation.


sala doswiadczania swiata

The World Experience Room is a place for children with varying degrees of intellectual disability and for children who have difficulty integrating external stimuli, concentrating attention and calming down. It is equipped with various types of equipment to stimulate the development of all the senses. The room contains, among other things, a water bed, a light and sound set, a water column, a light curtain and numerous boards with different types of structures.

Vision therapy with neurostimulation using the method of Prof. Tomatis


Visceral Therapy is a holistic treatment method focusing on the connections between the musculoskeletal system and the internal organs. Musculoskeletal interactions directly determine the position of organs in the body, and conversely, internal organs have a strong influence on the health of the spine, pelvis, ribs, shoulder girdle, muscles and fascia. Abnormal posture, scoliosis, surgery, inflammation of tissues and organs, malnutrition or emotional stress can easily cause dysfunction of various organs.



A large group of children with cerebral palsy have varying degrees of speech disorders due to damage to the nerve centres and pathways. This causes disorders in the control and coordination of muscles involved in the speech process, independent eating, drinking, etc.Speech therapy consists of internal and external speech massages. Hence the need for very early, systematic and intensive stimulation of speech development, as this is the only way to activate and correct it.


elektrostymulacja w neurologopedii

Electrostimulation treatments are  an effective complement to speech therapy.


trojplaszczyznowa terapia stop 1

Tri-plane foot therapy is one of the methods of correcting foot defects in children and babies that is available at our centre. The therapy consists of stretching contracted structures, introducing elements of manual therapy, and subsequently consolidating the therapeutic effect by bandaging the feet, with an elastic bandage.



Micropolarisation, or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), is one of the most modern treatments for brain abnormalities. The procedure involves stimulating the cortex with a low-intensity direct current. The stimulation uses two electrodes, a cathode and an anode, through which the current flows. . cathode is the electrode that decreases and the anode that increases the activity of the cortex. Both electrodes are attached in a special cap. The procedure is completely safe, painless and non-invasive.



Paedagogical therapy aims to stimulate and improve the child’s psychomotor development and the development of cognitive processes. The main focus of pedagogical therapy is the stimulation of the child’s overall mental, psychological, emotional and cognitive development. The programme is individually adapted to the needs of each child. Through appropriately selected educational exercises, we train concentration, memory, eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.



Therapeutic massage is the application of mechanical stimuli to the body’s tissues in order to impart or restore elasticity or relieve pain. Excessively tense or contracted musculo-fascial structures are characterised by reduced muscle strength and endurance. Through the use of therapeutic massage or various soft tissue therapy techniques, we aim to reduce increased muscle tension and restore ranges of mobility.



Hippotherapy is one of the methods of psychomotor rehabilitation involving a horse. Through hippotherapy we influence the balance system, the patient on horseback strives to keep his unstable centre of gravity above the horse’s centre of gravity in all phases of movement. During the ride, the patient’s pelvis and shoulder girdle, behaves identically to a normal gait pattern. Hippotherapy also has the effect of reducing muscle tension (spasticity) through the rhythmic movements of the horse.



Kynotherapy (Dogotherapy) is a method in rehabilitation with the participation of dogs. The therapy is mainly used when working with children with motor and intellectual disabilities. Contact with a dog evokes extremely positive reactions in children and motivates them to exercise. The dog accompanies the child during gait training, for example, which determines the little patient to make a greater effort. In addition, the children feel great in the company of the dog, who shows them a lot of positive feelings.



Hydrotherapy, or water therapy or aquatherapy, is one of the oldest treatment methods. It is recommended both for healthy people, in order to increase general immunity of the organism or to reduce stress, and for people suffering from a number of illnesses, including heart, circulatory and nervous system disorders or pain. It makes use of the physical and chemical properties of water in solid, liquid and gaseous forms for therapeutic purposes. It is recommended both for healthy people to increase general immunity or reduce stress, as well as for those suffering from numerous diseases.


physical therapy

Physical therapy is a type of rehabilitation that uses physical agents such as electric current, light, magnetic fields, ultrasound and low temperature. The aim of physical therapy treatments is to reduce pain, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and reduce inflammation.



Vision therapy, or otherwise known as eye therapy, is about developing visual skills. The most important task in therapy is to master visual skills and to use this effectively in everyday situations. The aim of the therapy is also  to develop basic visual skills connected with controlling eye movements (fixation, stimulus localisation, convergence, tracking, gaze transfer, searching, convergence, accommodation)



During a stay at the Neuron Centre Bydgoszcz Fordon or Śródmieście it is possible to take advantage of therapy sessions with a neuropsychologist. The psychological therapist deals with neuropsychological rehabilitation, in which he carries out therapy of cognitive functions (language, visuospatial, memory and attention) as well as executive and emotional-motivational functions resulting from brain damage. She also provides psychological assistance to patients and their relatives, supporting them in the processes of adaptation to life with a disability.



Psychological activities are individual meetings and are tailored to the patients’ individual abilities and needs. The therapy aims to support development, the acquisition of new skills and the elimination of negative and undesirable behaviour.


terapia zajeciowa

Occupational therapy is an excellent form of rehabilitation for children and adults involving the patient in various forms of psychomotor activities. Exercises affect both physical fitness, mental well-being and intellectual development. The type of therapy is selected according to the patient’s abilities and needs. Activities include learning or improving self-care activities, improving eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills exercises.


integracja strukturalna czaszki

Skull Structural Integration is work on the skull that can very effectively influence the shape of the skull and the asymmetries that occur.



Chiropractic is a holistic manual therapy that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The effect of chiropractic treatment is to reduce or completely eliminate pain and improve well-being. It is a way of treating spinal disorders and painful conditions. The therapist gently and painlessly, using appropriate manual techniques, removes blockages that cause pain and restricted mobility.

Available only at OR NEURON – MAŁE GACNO


terapia czaszkowo krzyzowa

Cranio sacral therapy is a form of manual therapy involving very gentle manipulation and compression within the skull, chest, diaphragm, pelvis and sacrum. The aim of the therapy is to relax connective-tissue structures and remove restrictions and dysfunctions in the body that cause excessive tension. The treatment has a relaxing effect on the patient’s body.



A non-invasive method of neurophysiological and psychological rehabilitation. The method combines the achievements of Far Eastern acupressure and acupuncture with Western reflexology, the science of fascia, the somatic and vegetative nervous system and the morphogenetic field.



Mechanical instrumental fascial adjustment in the therapy of myofascial trigger points in functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Therapy to increase non-painful range of motion, support/regulate muscle function, remove neuropathic pain, normalise skin scar tissue and fascia, support tendon and ligament therapy.


suche iglowanie

Dry needling is a therapeutic method that involves puncturing a trigger point in the muscle using sterile, disposable acupuncture needles. The aim of the procedure is to treat pain and dysfunction in the musculoskeletal organ. Prior to puncturing the non-functioning muscle, the therapist will palpate the muscle thoroughly to locate the tense band with increased pressure sensitivity and local tremor response. This treatment
can also be performed directly on fascia, tendons and ligaments.


terapia wisceralna

Visceral Therapy is a holistic treatment method focusing on the connections between the musculoskeletal system and the internal organs. Musculoskeletal interactions directly determine the position of organs in the body, and conversely, internal organs have a strong influence on the health of the spine, pelvis, ribs, shoulder girdle, muscles and fascia. Abnormal posture, scoliosis, surgery, inflammation of tissues and organs, malnutrition or emotional stress can easily cause dysfunction of various organs.



In the premises of the Rehabilitation Centre Neuron – Małe Gacno there is a water area consisting of a rehabilitation pool, a jacuzzi bathtub and a hydrotherapy room – a one-person bathtub and a whirlpool for lower limbs. Patients of our centre have the possibility to take advantage of water activities – pool or hydrotherapy classes during the rehabilitation turnout or in the form of outpatient treatments.