The basic premise of functional rehabilitation is patient-centred, meaning that it is tailored to the patient’s condition, emphasising the problem of the individual person. It is modelled on natural human movements and is painless. Therapy aims to restore disturbed or lost function, to the extent that the body’s organs allow it. The basic methods used to carry out the therapy include: PNF, NDT-Bobath, Vojta, Kinetic Control and many others.

Functional rehabilitation is a system of diagnosis and treatment – rehabilitation aimed at performing activities of daily living and increasing the level of independence and dexterity. The main goal is to achieve functions such as walking, eating independently and performing self-care. Functional rehabilitation aims to restore or impart impaired function. Functional therapy is individualised to the requirements and problems of each patient. Together with the therapist, the patient defines his or her goal to be achieved through therapy. The rehabilitation methods used in functional rehabilitation are:
- NDT Bobath
- Ibita Bobath