Tomatis 1 hour (per) including vision therapy 30 min. Therapy available at Neuron Małe Gacno Centre with Beata Górnowicz – Wytrążek, MA.
It is well known that sounds have a stimulating effect on the entire human nervous and physiological system, in particular on the auditory and visual organs, the brain and the coordination between the two hemispheres of the brain. It has also been proven more than once that sounds and music have an effect on the human psyche. Tomatis carried out research into the effects of particular frequencies on people and discovered that vibrations can bring the nervous system and brain to rest as well as stimulate them. Music characterised by low frequencies affects the whole body through the vestibule. In the activation channel, listening and attention is still stimulated and conditioned by high frequencies. Filtered music used in audio-psycho-phonology , stimulates brain dynamics , affecting the limbic system. The limbic system , is a set of structures that are responsible for emotions and memory , regulate autonomic or hormonal functions in response to emotional stimuli, and are also involved in reinforcing behaviour. It is made up of four main parts: the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the thalamus and the hippocampus. According to Tomatis, filtered music opens the thalamus. All senses except smell pass through the thalamus.