Visceral Therapy is a holistic treatment method focusing on the connections between the musculoskeletal system and the internal organs. Musculoskeletal interactions directly determine the position of organs in the body, and conversely, internal organs have a strong influence on the health of the spine, pelvis, ribs, shoulder girdle, muscles and fascia. Incorrect posture, scoliosis, surgery, tissue and organ inflammation, malnutrition or emotional stress can easily cause dysfunction in various organs. Consequently, tension is created in the irritated organs, which is transmitted to the musculoskeletal system.
The essence of internal organ therapy is the relaxation of abdominal structures under the influence of gentle pressure directed at painful and altered areas. The therapist first examines the abdominal shells and then focuses on the greatest tensions located in the abdomen, pelvis and chest. Additionally, the autonomic nervous system, which innervates our internal organs and causes reactions independent of our will, plays an important role in visceral therapy. Our visceral organs are connected to the brain via the vagus nerve and are therefore highly sensitive to the emotions we feel, particularly stress. If a particular emotion lasts for too long, such as chronic stress, more and more tension builds up in our abdominal cavity, which disturbs our digestive system and can consequently also negatively affect the function of other systems.
When is visceral therapy worthwhile?
Visceral therapy is recommended for disorders of the digestive tract, helping when we experience complaints such as reflux, flatulence, chronic constipation, heartburn, nausea or abdominal tension caused by gas. Visceral techniques can be used to assist in the treatment of conditions such as diseases of the respiratory system, cholecystitis/pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, gastric/duodenal ulcers, chronic constipation, gallstones, painful menstruation, headaches, pain in the lumbosacral and thoracic spine and many, many more.
What is a contraindication to performing visceral therapy?
These include tumours, gastric ulcer perforations, ‘acute abdominal’ conditions, vascular thrombosis, internal bleeding, sexually transmitted diseases, progressive brain disease and swelling, collagenosis, acute infectious diseases, acute cardiovascular diseases, high fever, etc. During the examination, the therapist should rule out possible risks and refer for further diagnosis if necessary.