Multi-sensory therapy, or sensory integration, involves developing the correct perception and analysis of various stimuli provided by the external environment. The senses involved in the therapy are – sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and deep sensation. It is designed for children with psychomotor disorders, developmental delays, genetic diseases, autism, cerebral palsy. The therapy has a playful character, which makes it very positive for children. During therapy, the child performs appropriate activities for vestibular, proprioceptive or tactile stimulation. The activities are carried out using a variety of instruments and therapeutic aids. The aim of the therapy is to improve the child’s psychomotor functioning and the perception and interpretation of incoming stimuli.

Sensory integration is a neurological process that involves the registration, conduction and processing of information contained in sensory stimuli so that they can be used in purposeful action. Proper sensory integration underpins functioning in the areas of emotion, attention, perception, balance and coordination.



  • Over- or under-sensitivity to tactile, visual, auditory stimuli
  • restlessness, trouble sleeping
  • poor tolerance for performing grooming and hygiene tasks with the child, such as cutting hair, nails, washing face, teeth, applying cream, combing, cleaning nose, ears, etc.
  • problems with washing themselves, dressing themselves, especially buttoning buttons and lacing shoes,
  • Poor balance: when a child stumbles and falls more often than their peers, they almost always have some sort of bruise or scratch,
  • hyperreflexia, the child cannot sit/stay in one place,
  • poor concentration, the child is easily distracted,
  • impulsivity, emotional over-sensitivity
  • when a child inadvertently steps or bumps into furniture, walls, other children,
  • when the child loves movement, seeks it, strives for it. He or she is constantly on the move – running, jumping, changing body position frequently
  • when the child feels lost in a new place, he/she needs a lot of time to get his/her bearings,
  • withdrawal from social contact
  • confusing right-left sides, within one’s own body and in the surrounding space,
  • difficulties with reading and writing, difficulty in transcribing, redrawing from the blackboard