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We organize rehabilitation stays and outpatient (day) rehabilitation for local patients. In our centres we use the best and most modern rehabilitation equipment in the world! The use of innovative methods of therapy increases the intensity of the therapeutic process and thus recovery. LOKOMAT®, EKSO® Exoskeleton, C-Mill Treadmill, tDCS brain micropolarization –  these are just some of our apparatuses. See all à Modern rehabilitation equipment.


Movement rehabilitation – kinesiotherapy. The largest part of our therapeutic package is the movement rehabilitation or kinesiotherapy. The therapy programme (number of hours, methods used) is determined individually for each patient. When working with the patient, our team of physiotherapists uses the most effective methods such as NDT Bobath, IBITA BOBATH, VOJTA, PNF, MEDEK. We constantly improve our qualifications by participating in numerous courses and trainings.  Free of charge, as part of individual exercises, we use THERA-SUIT® if it is indicated in the therapy. Our comfortable and fully equipped therapy rooms, the most modern and specialized equipment as well as qualified and well-coordinated staff of therapists are a guarantee of an effective therapy.


MEDEK  Therapy is a Dynamic Kinetic Stimulation Method. A physiotherapeutic method used in infants and children to develop gross motor skills. Used in patients with neurological disorders. It was developed by the Chilean physiotherapist Ramon Cuevas in years 1971-1976  in cooperation with the physiotherapist Ester Fink. In MEDEK therapy the therapist focuses on the exercises necessary to achieve activities such as sitting, standing and walking. The main stimulus that stimulates the neuromuscular system is gravity.

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Water therapy – swimming pool in the Rehabilitation Centre Neuron Male Gacno

In the premises of the Rehabilitation Centre Neuron – Małe Gacno there is a water area consisting of a rehabilitation pool, a Jacuzzi bathtub and a hydrotherapy room – a one-person bathtub and a whirlpool for lower limbs. Patients of our centre have the possibility to take advantage of water activities – pool or hydrotherapy classes during a rehabilitation stay or in the form of outpatient treatments. Water is an excellent environment for therapies and exercises. Due to its properties, it has a relaxing effect on the muscles and at the same time, thanks to the resistance it causes, it allows specific muscle groups to be strengthened with appropriately selected exercises. Immersing the body in water has a strong impact on the nervous system, which has many positive effects. Water has a positive effect on joint mobility and the patient’s mental state; in a water environment, the patient becomes more independent.

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The Vojta method

The Vojta method therapy is a world-recognized rehabilitation method which has been used for many years. It can be used both in infants and older children.  The Vojta therapy when started early allows to limit the consolidation of pathological patterns. In older children we influence the improvement of functional abilities. The basic assumption of Vojta is the existence of a genetically encoded and global pattern of locomotion. The exercises are based on triggering the patient’s muscle reactions, i.e. a coded pattern. This method uses the receptors of deep sensation (proprioceptors) to stimulate the central nervous system. It consists in placing the patient in a strictly defined position. Then, maintaining it for some time – while activating the stimulation zone – obtained is a strictly defined reaction.

The Vojta method is used, among others, in the rehabilitation and treatment of disorders in the work of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy, myelomeningocele and cerebrospinal hernia, paralysis of peripheral nerves and nerve plexuses, muscular dystrophy.

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VOJTA METHOD for adults

The method of reflex locomotion by Vaclav Vojta – created by a Czech neurologist Vaclav Vojta. Originally a concept of rehabilitation of adolescents with cerebral palsy, in time it has found recognition mainly in the treatment of infants and children. In recent years, it has been increasingly used in the rehabilitation of adults. The main assumption of the method is the existence of innate coordination complexes, the same in every human being. In various diseases – both neurological and others – both congenital and acquired, the components of these complexes and sometimes the whole complexes may be disturbed which is manifested by the lack of movement or pathological movement patterns. The aim of the therapy carried out using the Vojta method is to reduce abnormal motor reactions as well as to find and release the correct coordination complexes. For this purpose, the patient is placed in certain positions and by pressing the so-called zones we try to trigger the correct motion patterns. The resulting reactions are global (covering the entire body) and independent of the patient’s will. The reactions include both the locomotor and the vegetative systems.

Indications for the use of Vojta method therapy are very wide and include such diseases as: cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, craniocerebral injuries, strokes, but also other neurological and orthopedic diseases and any disease manifested in its clinical picture with a changed movement pattern.

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Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT), a therapeutic method aimed at improving movement by eliminating abnormal reflexes and normalizing muscle tone, facilitating correct postural reflexes and free movements. With the aid of  key points on the child’s body – the head, shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle, a therapist tries to induce correct movement. The main therapeutic goal is to achieve self-reliance and independence in everyday life.

Indications for NDT Bobath therapy – cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases, positional asymmetries, movement disorders, developmental defects, muscle tension disorders.

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NDT Bobath Baby is a therapeutic concept used in premature babies, infants and children with neurological disorders. Due to the non-invasive nature of the therapy it can be used from the first days of life. It brings the best therapeutic effects in the first months of a child’s life. At NDT Bobath Baby, a therapist focuses not only on exercises, but puts a lot of emphasis on care and correct way of performing them – the way of lifting and carrying the baby, feeding, changing and postural positions during play and rest.

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This is a concept that is intended for people with disorders of the central nervous system (stroke, craniocerebral trauma, multiple sclerosis). The aim of the Bobath Concept is the examination and therapy of patients with CNS disorders, solving problems and disorders of muscle function, movement and tonus. The concept places particular emphasis on the normalization of muscle tension and building central stability responsible for the correct posture and movement pattern. The rehabilitation process includes management in both, the acute as well as chronic phase. A therapist analyses the 24-hour model of dealing with the patient (in close cooperation with the guardian, the patient’s family), gives advice on the care and organization of the space in which the patient lives. Bobath therapy for adults is a therapeutic concept of task-oriented work. This type of approach to the therapy process is based in part on current knowledge of motor control, motor learning and the plasticity (reorganization capacity) of the nervous and muscular systems. It is also partly based on the experience of clinicians, taking into account the needs and expectations of patients.

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PNF, i.e. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, is a physiotherapeutic concept for the work and therapy of patients with neurological disorders. Exercises are designed to increase muscle strength and the range of joint mobility. The method is based on the neurophysiological principles of performing motor activities. In this method we use complex movement patterns that appear in everyday activities. PNF method therapy improves muscle strength, coordination and balance. During the therapy, the mechanism of transferring the strength of the stronger muscle groups to the weaker ones – irradiation – is used.

Depending on the disease and the patient’s condition, exercises can be performed on a therapeutic table, on a mat, or in a sitting and standing position.

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Functional rehabilitation is a system of diagnosis and treatment – rehabilitation focused on performing everyday activities and increasing the level of independence and fitness. The main goal is to achieve functions such as walking, independent food consumption, independent performance of hygienic activities. Functional rehabilitation is aimed at giving or restoring a disturbed function. Functional therapy is individualized according to the requirements and problems of each patient. The patient, together with a therapist, determines their goal they want to achieve through the therapy. Rehabilitation methods used in functional rehabilitation are NDT Bobath, Ibita Bobath, PNF.

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TheraSuit is a soft proprioceptive, dynamic orthosis (coverall) whose task is to load the body with forces similar to the forces of gravity. The elements of the suit are connected with each other by elastic rubbers. The position of the strings is regulated depending on the problem and the patient’s illness, so as to support the functioning of selected muscle groups or to correct the body posture. TheraSuit® is a safe and effective rehabilitation device that has been developed along with an intensive exercise programme to accelerate the child’s progress.

The use of THERASUIT® during exercises improves the prioproceptive sensation, reduces pathological movement patterns and influences the correct positioning of the patient’s figure. Through TheraSuit® we provide external body stabilization and support weakened muscles. The therapy is especially recommended in children with decreased muscle tone – hypotonia. The use of overalls during exercise increases muscle strength and endurance and improves postural control.

Indications for the use of therapy in the THERA SUIT® overall:

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Reduced muscle tone – hypotonia
  • Cerebral stroke
  • Delays in motor development
  • Brain injury
  • Injury to the spinal cord
  • Meningomyelocele
  • Diseases of the neuromuscular system
  • Genetic defects
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A hand therapy is the rehabilitation of mechanisms responsible for controlling the arm movements. Depending on the disorders and problems a therapist focuses on strengthening the muscle strength of the upper limbs and improving the range of joint mobility (exercises that stretch excessively contracted tissues). Also, in the upper limb therapy the aim is to improve fine motor skills, i.e. manual skills and precision. The goal of arm therapy is perfecting visual and motor control, improvement of upper limb coordination, grasp exercises and performing precise activities.

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SaeboFlex is a dynamic orthosis thanks to which rehabilitation after a stroke, hemorrhage or brain injury gains a new quality. It gives patients independence that they were not able to achieve before. The orthosis works by restoring the natural position of the hand and supporting the extension movement of the fingers. Thanks to this, the patient can functionally use the whole arm during rehabilitation exercises and home activities. The orthosis does not have any electrical components and its parts are individually adjusted to each patient.

The SaeboFlex orthosis is the only one in the world that enables patients to practice grasping and releasing objects at an early stage of the disease. Most often, the therapy begins when the patient does not control the movements of the fingers and hands on their own.

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Basal stimulation is a concept of rehabilitation and therapy for children, adolescents and adults with severe intellectual disability and people in a state of minimal awareness. The purpose of basal stimulation is to provide stimuli from the environment as well as to compensate for the lack of experience in the field of independent movement and participation in the environment. Through basal stimulation we try to stimulate the development of a deeply impaired person through numerous environmental stimuli and multi-sensory experiences. Additionally, with the help of appropriate postural positions and applied stimuli, we help the patient to feel their own body – the perception of their own body.

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Multisensory therapy, i.e. sensory integration, is based on developing the correct reception and analysis of various stimuli from the external environment. The senses involved in the therapy are – sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, prioproceptive sensation. It is intended for children with psychomotor disorders, developmental delay, genetic diseases, autism, cerebral palsy. The therapy has a character of a joyful play and because of that children perceive it very positively. During therapy, a child performs appropriate activities for vestibular, proprioceptive or tactile stimulation. Sessions are conducted with the use of various devices and therapeutic aids. The aim of the therapy is to improve the psychomotor functioning of the child as well as the reception and interpretation of incoming stimuli.

Sensory integration is a neurological process that involves the recording, conduction and processing of information contained in sensory stimuli so that they can be used in a deliberate action. Proper sensory integration is the basis for functioning in terms of emotions, attention, perception, balance and coordination.


  • excessive or insufficient sensitivity to tactile, visual and auditory stimuli
  • anxiety, trouble falling asleep
  • poor tolerance to performing care and hygiene activities with the child, such as: cutting hair, nails, washing the face, teeth, applying cream, brushing, clearing the nose and ears, etc.
  • problems with independent washing, dressing, especially buttoning and lacing shoes,
  • poor balance: when a child stumbles and falls more often than his peers, almost always has a bruise or scratch,
  • hyperactivity, the child cannot sit/stand still in one place,
  • poor concentration, the child is easily distracted,
  • impulsiveness, emotional oversensitivity
  • when a child inadvertently steps or bumps into furniture, walls, other children,
  • when a child loves movement, they look for it, strive for it. They are constantly in motion –  running, jumping up, often changing body position
  • when a child feels lost in a new place, they need a lot of time to gain orientation in the environment,
  • withdrawal from social contacts
  • confusing left-right sides within one’s own body and in the surrounding space,
  • difficulties with reading and writing, difficulties in transcribing, redrawing from the blackboard
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The world experience room is a place for children with various degrees of intellectual disability and for children who have problems with the integration of external stimuli, concentration of attention and silence. It is a place equipped with various types of devices stimulating the development of all senses. In the room there are, among others, a water bed, light and sound set, water column, fibre optic curtain and numerous boards with various types of structures. The main goal of the therapy in the World Experience Room is the opportunity for a child to learn and receive new stimuli and to enrich sense and sensory experiences. Cognition takes place through the senses thanks to which the information delivered to the nervous system has a very positive effect on the child’s development.

Therapeutic goals:

  • the room offers a diversified, attractive form of spending free time, it is a place of rest and relaxation,
  • it motivates participants to take up the activity, increases their activity and willingness to learn,
  • it increases the possibility of receiving various sensory stimuli, thus increases the sensitivity and develops sensory integration and cognitive processes,
  • it evokes satisfaction and a sense of security, facilitates overcoming anxiety, and increases the willingness to make contact
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Neurological speech therapy is a specialization in speech therapy which deals with the diagnosis and therapy of communication disorders caused by damage to the central nervous system in children and adults. In children, neurological speech therapy deals with solving problems from the first days of life, assessing physiological reflexes, examining the articulation apparatus and assessing the tension of mimic muscles and tongue. At a later stage, it deals mainly with the therapy of speech disorders, food consumption and the reduction of excessive salivation. In adults, the main indications for the therapy with a neurological speech therapist are aphasia, dysphagia, motor disorders of the articulation organs and disorders of the mouth muscle tone. Neurological speech therapy is also indicated in people with cognitive disorders, problems with memory, concentration and awareness.

The therapy is always adjusted to the needs and possibilities of the patient. In neurological speech therapy we use speech therapy massage, stimulation with speech therapy vibrators, superficial stimulations, electrostimulation (Vocastim®), kinesiotaping and alternative communication (C-eye® Cybereye).

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Micropolarization, or transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), is one of the most modern methods of treating brain functioning abnormalities. The treatment consists in stimulating the cortex with low intensity direct current. Two electrodes are used for stimulation, a cathode and an anode, through which the current flows. The cathode is the reducing electrode and anode increases the activity of the cerebral cortex. Both electrodes are mounted in a special cap. The treatment is completely safe, painless and non-invasive.

During the procedure, we affect a specific area and centre in the brain that has been damaged or is not working properly. Transcranial stimulation can also be used selectively on the motor, somatosensory, visual or prefrontal cortex, influencing perceptual, cognitive and motor functions. The best therapeutic effect is achieved when micropolarization is combined with intensive neurorehabilitation. Various motor or logical tasks during stimulation are recommended.

The tDCS therapeutic series consists of 10 treatments, day after day (maximum two days of break)

Indications for micropolarization therapy:

  • dystonia,
  • aphasia,
  • strokes,
  • chronic pain,
  • craniocerebral strokes with neurological deficit,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • autism,
  • ADHD,
  • memory dysfunctions,
  • drug-resistant epilepsy,
  • tinnitus,
  • addiction, depression,
  • some psychiatric disorders,
  • degenerative diseases of the brain (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease) with emotional-personality and cognitive disorders,
  • tics,
  • school difficulties,
  • delayed speech development,
  • delayed psychomotor development,
  • psychosomatic and psychoemotional disorders.
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A pedagogical therapy aims at stimulating and improving the psychomotor development of a child and developing cognitive processes. The main assumption of pedagogical therapy is to stimulate the overall mental, psychical, emotional and cognitive development of a child. The pedagogical therapy programme is adjusted to the individual needs of a child. Through carefully selected educational exercises we train concentration, memory, eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills. Properly conducted pedagogical therapy can bring success not only in the sphere of exercised functions but also bring benefits in the emotional sphere and increase self-confidence.

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A therapeutic massage is the action of mechanical stimuli on the body’s tissues in order to give or restore flexibility or alleviate pain ailments. Excessively tense or contracted myofascial structures are characterized by reduced muscle strength and endurance. Through the use of therapeutic massage or various soft tissue therapy techniques, we strive to reduce the increased muscle tension and restore ranges of motion.

Shantala massage is intended for babies and children. It is used to regulate muscle tension, increase body awareness, regulate sleep and improve the functioning of the alimentary and digestive system. It is especially indicated in children with cerebral palsy and in children with delayed psychomotor development. It can also be used in properly developing children to relax and stimulate the endocrine system (better body immunity).

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Kynotherapy (Dogotherapy) is a method in rehabilitation with the participation of dogs. This therapy is used mainly in work with children with physical and intellectual disabilities. Contact with a dog evokes extremely positive reactions in children and motivates them to do exercises. The dog accompanies the child, e.g. during gait exercises, which induces the little patient to greater effort. In addition, children feel great in the company of a dog that shows them many positive feelings.

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Vision therapy or otherwise called eyesight therapy consists in shaping visual skills. The most important task in the therapy is to master the ability to use eyesight and use it effectively in everyday situations. The aim of the therapy is also to develop basic visual skills related to controlling eyeballs movements (fixation, locating the stimulus, convergence, tracking, leading, shifting the gaze, searching, convergence, accommodation).

Visual disturbances are very often a direct result of a stroke / brain injury (e.g. in a traffic accident) or occur in a disease entity (cerebral palsy, genetic diseases). The therapy is recommended for people of all ages who suffer from visual disturbances resulting from various reasons. Sessions are held in a darkened room where there is a better perceptive reaction. The therapy, depending on the patient’s problem, is aimed at stimulating vision, stimulating looking or improving visual functions – controlling eyeballs movements.

The most common visual disturbances are:

  • nystagmus
  • decreased visual acuity
  • limitation of the field of vision
  • double vision

When should we start a therapy?

  • amblyopia
  • accommodation disorders
  • visual perception disorders
  • eye movement disorders
  • visual and motor coordination disorders
  • visual acuity deterioration
  • difficulties in reading and writing
  • headaches
  • problems with maintaining concentration
  • imbalance

Vision therapy goals:

  • improving eye movement, tracking and fixation
  • improvement of accommodation
  • reduction of imbalances
  • improvement of visual perception
  • increase of the field of vision
  • improvement of spatial vision which facilitates the assessment of the distance between objects
  • developing the skills of eye-hand coordination
  • reduction of pain ailments in the eyes and head
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Psychological sessions have a character of individual meetings and are tailored to the individual abilities and needs of patients. Therapy is aimed at supporting development, acquiring new skills and eliminating negative and undesirable behaviour.

The goals of psychological therapy include:

  • stimulating intellectual functions,
  • exercises improving concentration,
  • developing the emotional and social sphere,
  • work on the cognitive development of patients, i.e. memory, attention, speech and thinking,
  • relaxation classes that allow you to rest and calm down,
  • visual perception development programmes, graphomotor exercises,
  • developing mechanisms of imitation and cooperation,
  • developing orientation in the body schema and in space,
  • cooperation with parents or guardians.
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An occupational therapy is an excellent form of rehabilitation for children and adults consisting in involving the patient in various forms of activity in the field of psychomotor activities. Exercises affect both physical fitness, mental well-being and intellectual development. The type of therapy is selected in accordance with the possibilities and needs of the patient. The sessions include learning or improving self-service activities, improving visual-motor coordination and fine motor skills exercises. Activities performed as part of occupational therapy improve mental well-being and increase the level of independence in everyday activities.

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Chiropractic is a holistic manual therapy dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The effect of chiropractic treatment is a reduction or complete elimination of pain ailments and improvement of well-being. It is a method of treating spine diseases and pain ailments. The therapist, in a gentle and painless manner, using appropriate manual techniques, removes blockages causing pain and restriction of mobility. Chiropractic procedures used in children and people with cerebral palsy may reduce muscle tension and, consequently, improve mobility. In addition, with this procedure the patient’s figure can be improved.

Therapeutic indications:

  • back, head and neck pain
  • headaches
  • sciatica
  • posture defects
  • malaise due to limited mobility of the spine
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Urological physiotherapy (urotherapy) deals with the improvement of the function of muscles responsible for urinary continence and restoration of correct motor patterns. Urinary incontinence very often affects patients after ischemic stroke, or in the course of multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease.

Patients struggling with a neurogenic bladder can also benefit from the help of a physiotherapist. Through exercises, behavioural therapy and electrotherapy, we are able to significantly improve the quality of life of patients with such a delicate problem. It is very important that the therapy is individually tailored to the current needs.

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A craniosacral therapy is a form of manual therapy involving very delicate manipulation and pressure on the skull, chest, diaphragm, pelvis and sacrum. The aim of the therapy is to loosen connective tissue structures and remove limitations and dysfunctions in the body that cause excessive tension. The treatment has a relaxing effect on the patient’s body.


  • autism
  • hyperactivity
  • disturbance in concentration
  • excessive stress
  • headache and dizziness
  • migraine
  • vision and hearing problems
  • sinusitis
  • tension and pain in the temporomandibular joint
  • teeth grinding and malocclusion
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During your stay at Centrum Neuron Bydgoszcz Fordon or Śródmieście /Downtown you can have your therapeutic sessions with a neuropsychologist.

A therapist – psychologist  deals with neuropsychological rehabilitation in which they conduct a therapy of cognitive functions (linguistic, visual-spatial, memory and attention), as well as executive and emotional-motivational functions resulting from brain damage. He also provides psychological help to patients and their relatives, supporting them in the processes of adaptation to life with a disability.

In their work they use many modern therapeutic methods, including brain micropolarization (direct current stimulation of the brain, tDCS). Each therapy begins with an initial diagnosis, discussion of the needs and therapeutic possibilities with the patient and/or their guardian, and setting of the treatment goal.

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A non-invasive method of neurophysiological and psychological rehabilitation. The method combines the achievements of Far East acupressure and acupuncture as well as Western reflexotherapy, the science of fascia, somatic and vegetative nervous systems and the morphogenetic field.


  • It awakens the lost nerve conduction.
  • It regulates the own potentials of the nerves.
  • It removes the tension of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Mental and nervous relief.
  • It has a de-acidifying and detoxifying effect

It regulates the work of the circulatory, respiratory, reproductive, digestive, endocrine, excretory and reproductive systems.


  • contractures,
  • increased muscle tension
  • sensory disturbances
  • paresis
  • problems of the shoulder and knee joints
  • Achilles tendon contractures, and all kinds of pain and limitation of mobility (migraines, brachialgia, sciatica, etc.)
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Hydrotherapy or water cure. During hydrotherapy we use the natural physical properties of water. All forms of hydrotherapy soothe the body, reduce pain and decrease excessive muscle tension. Moreover, underwater massage improves the functioning of the circulatory system. Whirlpool massage (centrifuge) is used to alleviate pain ailments, in post-traumatic conditions and in problems with the muscular and nervous system. Hydrotherapy shows effects in the reduction of swelling ( e.g. after prolonged immobilization), reduction of pain and muscle tension.

A therapy in water is recommended for people with cerebral palsy, people with problems with the musculoskeletal system or after injuries/contusions.

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Mechanical instrumental regulation of the fascia in the therapy of myofascial trigger points in functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Therapy aimed at increasing the painless range of motion, supporting/regulating muscle functions, removing neuropathic pain, normalizing scar tissue of the skin and fascia, supporting the therapy of tendons and ligaments.


  • stimulation of the fascia regeneration process, helps to improve its function, as well as in the directional mobilization and elimination of pain
  • improving the mobility of muscles and joints responding to the worked out muscles
  • reduction of the so-called connective tissue adhesions, i.e. fascial release
  • by irritating the mechanoreceptors, the perception of pain is reduced and therefore the increased muscle tension is reduced
  • activation of muscle tension in the case of its too low occurrence
  • within the ligaments, collagen synthesis is stimulated
  • improvement of the treatment of fascia- connective tissue by stimulating fibroblasts


  • fear of the procedure
  • lack of skin continuity
  • fresh scars that do not induce restrictions
  • birthmarks, papillas, warts, etc.
  • the occurrence of lesions of unknown origin in the subcutaneous tissue that takes the form of tumours
  • varicose veins, vascular malformations (also within small vessels)
  • tumours
  • pregnancy
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Physical therapy is a type of rehabilitation that uses physical factors such as electric current, light, magnetic field, ultrasound and low temperature. The purpose of using treatments from the range of physical therapy is to reduce pain ailments, accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and reduce inflammation.

The most common physical therapy treatments are – laser therapy, magnetic field, ultrasound, electrotherapy, cryotherapy.

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Dry needling is a therapeutic method that consists in puncture of a trigger point in a muscle with sterile, disposable acupuncture needles. The aim of the procedure is to treat pain and dysfunction in the locomotor system. Before attempting to puncture the inefficient muscle, the therapist palpates carefully to locate the tense band with increased sensitivity to pressure and local tremor response. This treatment can also be performed directly on the fascia, tendons and ligaments.

Dry needling is a very effective method of treating myofascial pain ailments. The therapy is used mainly in the case of pain and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system of various origins.


  • enthesopathies (e.g. golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow)
  • high muscle tension
  • calcaneal spur
  • tension headaches
  • injuries
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Hippotherapy is one of the methods of psychomotor rehabilitation with the participation of a horse. Through hippotherapy sessions we influence the balance system, the patient on the horse’s back strives to have their unstable centre of gravity above the horse’s centre of gravity in all phases of movement. While riding, the patient’s pelvis and shoulder girdle behave identically to the normal gait pattern. Hippotherapy also reduces muscle tension (spasticity) through the rhythmic movements of the horse. Thanks to hippotherapy, little patients can overcome their fears more easily, they can build a bond with the animal and express their emotions.

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CRAFT method therapy is a manual therapy dealing mainly with headache problems and dysfunctions in the temporomandibular joints. The method is based on the diagnosis of the problem, treatment and authotherapy.


  • atypical headaches
  • migraines
  • tinnitus
  • myofascial pain
  • excessive tension in the muscles of mastication
  • crackles in the jaw joints
  • mandibular prolapse
  • atypical earaches
  • neuralgia


  • facial nerve palsy
  • head and jaw injuries
  • teeth clenching
  • trismus
  • problems with opening and closing the mouth
  • problems with eating and swallowing food
  • dizziness
  • malocclusion
  • torticollis
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