We organize rehabilitation stays and outpatient (day) rehabilitation for local patients. In our centres we use the best and most modern rehabilitation equipment in the world! The use of innovative methods of therapy increases the intensity of the therapeutic process and thus recovery. LOKOMAT®, EKSO® Exoskeleton, C-Mill Treadmill, tDCS brain micropolarization – these are just some of our apparatuses. See all à Modern rehabilitation equipment.
Movement rehabilitation – kinesiotherapy. The largest part of our therapeutic package is the movement rehabilitation or kinesiotherapy. The therapy programme (number of hours, methods used) is determined individually for each patient. When working with the patient, our team of physiotherapists uses the most effective methods such as NDT Bobath, IBITA BOBATH, VOJTA, PNF, MEDEK. We constantly improve our qualifications by participating in numerous courses and trainings. Free of charge, as part of individual exercises, we use THERA-SUIT® if it is indicated in the therapy. Our comfortable and fully equipped therapy rooms, the most modern and specialized equipment as well as qualified and well-coordinated staff of therapists are a guarantee of an effective therapy.