BTL-6000 TR-Therapy (Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy) transmits radiofrequency waves through tissues, creating selective overheating. This therapy provides immediate pain relief, muscle relaxation, reduced swelling and accelerated tissue regeneration. The most common indications for Directed Radiofrequency Therapy are local muscle spasms, trigger points, muscle and tendon disorders, spinal complaints – both cervical, thoracic and lumbosacral. In addition, this therapy is excellent for injuries and associated swelling. The therapeutic effects are noticeable immediately and last long after the treatment is completed. The combination of the therapist’s manual skills with the BTL-6000 TR-Therapy makes this form of therapy modern and comprehensive, while providing immediate results.

BTL-6000 TR-Therapy transmits radiofrequency waves through the tissues, creating selective overheating. The effects of the therapy in terms of immediate pain relief, muscle relaxation, reduced swelling and accelerated tissue regeneration have been scientifically proven.

Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy – what effects does it have?

  • MUSCLE RELAXATION – the precise action of Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy on hypertonic muscle fibres induces their immediate relaxation. The myorelaxation effect is based primarily on the vasodilation of blood vessels, which already occurs during the treatment and is responsible for an increased supply of nutrients to the tissues.
  • TISSUE REGENERATION – the improvement of local tissue metabolism is a natural and important result of Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy. It leads to accelerated regeneration of soft tissues and faster removal of metabolic products.
  • REDUCTION OF OEDEMATION – the walls of the arterioles are enlarged and the precapillaries are relaxed, so that the local blood supply is increased. This leads to improved lymphatic circulation and subsequent reduction of oedema.
  • PAIN RELIEF – the main effect of Targeted Radiofrequency Therapy is an analgesic effect resulting from muscle relaxation, swelling reduction and tissue regeneration.
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