Indiba® activ is a unique and patented device that uses radio wave technology to accelerate the tissue repair mechanism. The thermal and non-thermal action of Indiba® activ technology combined with the dynamic manual skills of the therapist triggers the body’s internal capacity to rebuild (regenerate) damaged cells.

Indiba® activ therapy is proven in sports medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation for injuries and chronic pain conditions. With Indiba® activ, doctors and therapists can achieve exceptional results in a much shorter time than with other physiotherapeutic methods. INDIBA®activ is a unique therapy that has been used in Western Europe and Japan for more than 30 years. In this long history, its effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed by numerous studies and scientific publications. As a result, it has received great recognition and numerous awards.

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INDIBA® ACTIV – how does it work?

The use of two types of electrodes (capacitive and resistive) in different sizes allows Indiba® activ to be used on the entire body. Radio waves at 448 kHz modify the permeability of the cell membrane, accelerate metabolism and oxygen demand. By increasing microcirculation, they complement biostimulation and supply the tissue with elements that allow regeneration.

Indiba® activ can be combined with manual therapy and kinesitherapy, thus increasing the effectiveness of the therapy. Using this type of procedure, it is therefore possible to use massage, manual therapy and active patient movements. It is the only such solution on the market.
The heat felt by the patient has no side effects and is painless. It also does not cause irritation, overheating or burning of the skin and for this reason the number of treatments using this method are unlimited. Treatment without the use of heat is also possible.

WHAT IS Indiba®activ FOR?

Another positive feature of the Indiba®activ is its versatility. The equipment can be used for both therapy with children and adults.



  • bedsores
  • tissue scarring
  • calcifications
  • swellings
  • spasticity
  • muscular injuries, joint injuries
  • loss of function and restricted movement
  • reduction of pain and inflammation
  • urinary incontinence
  • pain
  • musculoskeletal injuries (muscles, joints, periarticular tissues, bones)
  • restrictions of mobility
  • increased muscle tension (also in spasticity)
  • inflammation
  • acceleration of the regeneration process of damaged tissues due to trauma


  • pregnancy
  • pacemaker or other electronic implant

There is also a direct benefit in the reduction of therapy time and a wider impact on the patient, contributing to faster therapeutic effects.