Hydrotherapy or water therapy. Hydrotherapy utilises the natural physical properties of water. All forms of hydrotherapy have a beneficial effect on the body, alleviating pain and relieving excessive muscle tension. In addition, underwater massage improves the function of the circulatory system. Bubble massage (whirlpool) is used to relieve pain, post-traumatic conditions and problems with the muscular-nervous system. Hydrotherapy has a decongestant effect (e.g. after prolonged immobilisation) and reduces pain and muscle tension.
Water therapy is recommended for people with cerebral palsy, people with musculoskeletal problems or after injuries. It is recommended for both healthy people with the aim of increasing the general resistance of the organism or reducing stress, as well as for people suffering from a number of illnesses, including heart, circulatory and nervous system disorders or pain. It is one of the oldest treatment methods in physiotherapy. It uses the physical and chemical properties of water in solid, liquid and gaseous forms for therapeutic purposes. It is recommended both for healthy people to increase general immunity or reduce stress, and for those suffering from a number of illnesses.

Accordingly, indications for hydrotherapy are:
- heart diseases,
- cardiovascular diseases
- respiratory diseases
- chronic diseases of the locomotor system
- diseases of the digestive tract
- diseases of the reproductive organs,
- injuries,
- insomnia
Hydrotherapy – contraindications,
- psychoses,
- advanced anaemia,
- cachexia.