Professor Alfred Tomatis’ method is a training in training auditory attention and modification of hearing at specific frequencies, which improves both auditory perception and permanent voice modification. Professor Alfred Tomatis has proven that the organ of hearing has a significant effect on the sense of balance, concentration, motor coordination and also on muscle tone.

By means of appropriately filtered sounds of Mozart music and Gregorian chants, centres in the cerebral cortex are stimulated. This increases the brain’s receptive capacity and improves the perception of external stimuli, enabling the patient to function at a higher level in the motor, language, communication and social spheres. The therapy is suitable for audiences of all ages. It works well with both children and adults.

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TOMATIS Therapy – For whom?

At present, in Poland and all over the world, children, adolescents and adults with motor and auditory dysfunctions, disorders in the development of small and large motor skills, developmental deficits in specific cognitive functions, hearing impaired children, children with cerebral palsy, epilepsy or aphasia, prematurely born children benefit from Tomatis therapy. The therapy also benefits people with mental developmental disorders, autism, Down’s syndrome, as well as people with speech and language developmental disorders, disintegrative and hyperkinetic disorders, behavioural and emotional disorders, hyperactivity and social functioning disorders. The therapy is also aimed at patients with diagnoses such as depression, job burnout, tinnitus, stress or Méniére’s disease, post-stroke or brain damage.

Tomatis therapy – what does it look like?

The entire therapy consists of 3 stages:

  • diagnosis – auditory attention testing using an audiometer
  • passive phase – using music and the mother’s highly filtered voice
  • active phase – involving speaking into a microphone and listening to one’s own voice through air-bone headphones
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TOMATIS therapy – turnout package – Neuron Małe Gacno

Turnout includes 48 hours of therapy (standard turnout in the Neuron Centre), therapies to choose from – determined on the basis of an interview with the parent and a medical/physiotherapeutic consultation. The daily Tomatis therapy time depends on the age of the patient and the problem. The number of therapy hours is decided by a specialist at the Neuron Centre.

Tomatis therapy during a rehabilitation holiday:

  • Stage I – 11 days- diagnosis, followed by 2 to 3 hours of Tomatis therapy per day. Break 3-4 weeks minimum
  • Stage II – 10 days of 1.5 / 2 hours per day of Tomatis therapy
  • Stage III – 10 days of 1.5 / 2 hours per day of Tomatis therapy

The number of hours, the length of the stages can change, depending on the individual needs and abilities of the child. The decision is made by the therapist in agreement with the parent, following the principles of programming and conducting the therapy according to A. Tomatis’ recommendations, in such a way as to achieve the most optimal effects of the therapy.