SaeboFlex is a dynamic orthosis, thanks to which rehabilitation after a stroke, hemorrhage or brain injury gains a new quality. It gives patients independence that they were not able to achieve before.

The orthosis works by reproducing the natural position of the hand and supporting the movement of finger extension. Thanks to this, the patient can functionally use the entire hand during rehabilitation exercises and household activities. The orthosis does not have any electrical elements and its individual parts are individually adjusted to each patient.

The SaeboFlex orthosis is the only one in the world that allows patients to practice grasping and releasing objects at an early stage of the disease. Most often, therapy begins when the patient does not independently control the movements of the fingers and hand.


Minimum criteria for using the orthosis that the patient must meet:

1/4 range of active finger flexion
full range of passive extension in the interphalangeal joints, when the radiocarpal joint is set in passive extension of 15°
Other orthoses are also used in therapy, such as:

SaeboReach is an orthosis that combines the advantages of SaeboFlex with an additional elbow extension function.

The uniqueness of this orthosis lies in the use of an original element worn above the elbow joint and connecting it to the forearm. The system created in this way ensures dynamic cooperation of the orthosis with the patient’s hand and allows for its functional use during exercises.

SaeboStretch – Innovative, the only preventive orthosis in Poland designed especially for people after stroke and brain injury with an elastic part supporting the fingers, bending with increasing tension.

Using SaeboStretch helps protect the hand from many pathological consequences of neurological diseases that affect its function, such as. spasticity, contractures, or joint deformities. This orthosis also supports the entire rehabilitation process and increases its effectiveness.

Benefits of using therapy with Saebo orthoses:

participation in innovative rehabilitation enabling independent exercises of hand function with real grasping and releasing objects for the first time,
exercise of the upper limb in its full function and with an unprecedented stimulation value for the CNS thanks to the combination of intensity, task-oriented and a large number of repetitions during therapy,
increased satisfaction with therapy and increased motivation to exercise thanks to the high effectiveness of therapy.

Indications for therapy:

Patients with a paretic hand characterized by increased spastic tension in the upper limb – patients with a history of stroke, MS, craniocerebral injuries.

joint deformities (assessment of the degree of joint deformity during the examination) – mallet finger, “swan neck” deformity, boutonniere fingers, Heberden’s nodes, Bouchard’s nodes, Dupuytren’s contracture, RA.