EEG Biofeedback is a safe therapeutic method whose main aim is to improve brain function and performance. Recent studies indicate that through the use of Biofeedback we can improve our brain function by 60 to 90%, depending on the degree of damage, the capacity of the nervous system, the patient’s activity and age. The therapy uses brain waves, a recording of the bioelectrical activity of the brain at different frequencies and amplitudes. The recording of the brain waves determines our normalcy or pathology. Biofeedback is a form of neurorehabilitation that combines elements of psycho and neurophysiotherapy. Using computer equipment with two monitors and a coder to record brain waves, the bioelectrical activity of the brain can be imaged and modulated. This takes advantage of the biological feedback between the mental state and the neurophysiological activity of the brain of the trainee. The patient himself, consciously, can direct the activity of his brain waves. The training takes the form of a very pleasant animation, computer game or film. After sufficient training, the positive effects of the therapy can last up to 10 years.