NDT Bobath Baby is a therapeutic concept applied to premature babies and infants and children with neurological disorders. Due to the non-invasive nature of the therapy, it can be applied from the first days of life. It has the best therapeutic effects in the first months of a baby’s life. In NDT Bobath Baby, the therapist focuses not only on exercises, a lot of emphasis is placed on nursing and the correct execution of these exercises – the way the baby is lifted and carried, fed, changed and positioned during play and rest.

NDT- BOBATH BABY is the world’s leading method of movement improvement for premature babies and infants. It is also aimed at parents who want to learn how to care for their child (lift, carry, put down, change, feed) so that the child develops correctly and avoids postural defects in the future.


NDT is intended for patients with both mild and severe impairments. Currently, NDT is used in paediatrics for all patients presenting with movement and postural disorders. The non-invasive nature of the concept allows it to be applied from the first days of a child’s life.

NDT- BOBATH BABY therapy is aimed at your baby if:

  • is a premature baby or was born by caesarean section and is very crying, sensitive to movement and change of position, has problems with sucking,
  • is in a “C” formation,
  • constantly tilts the head to one side ,
  • tilts his head back excessively,
  • trembles, limbs shake,
  • reluctant to lie on his tummy,
  • clenches his fists tightly.


  • premature and high-risk infants at risk of developing cerebral palsy,
  • preterm infants and infants with breastfeeding, sucking and swallowing disorders,
  • preterm infants and infants with postural tension disorders,
  • preterm infants and infants with postural asymmetry,
  • preterm infants and infants with psychomotor retardation,
  • premature infants and infants with congenital foot malformations,
  • premature infants and infants with torticollis,
  • Premature babies and infants with perinatal brachial plexus injury,
  • premature babies and infants with congenital anomalies (meningo-spinal hernia, arthrogryposis, achondroplasia, etc.)
  • premature babies and infants with genetic syndromes (Down’s syndrome, Lowe’s syndrome, etc.),
  • premature babies and infants with epilepsy.